What are YOU watching?

What have ya got saved on your dvr? Inquiring minds wanna know! I have...

Suspiria (hd)

Street Kings (hd)

half season of Hell's Kitchen

X-files: I want to believe (hd)

The Dark Knight (hd)

NFL Replay: Falcons at Saints - Dec. 7 2009 (hd)

Howl's Moving Castle

The Godfather's 1 & 2 (hd)

The Hustler

Raging Bull (hd)

Superbad (hd) ... have had this on there for months, haven't gotten around to watching it.

Across the Universe (hd)

Pink Floyd: Which one's pink? :shrug:

My Fair Lady (hd)

The Last Dragon(hd)


Halloween (hd) 1978

Phantasm II (hd)

Could you tell me who wins the Dec 2009 game. I would like to make a large bet.

Currently on my DVR:
Burn Notice
Deadlist Catch
Kid's stuff