Should NASA Go to Mars?

The question is undoubtedly yes. I think it is by far the most important thing we need to do. The new technology we develop to get there will likely set the stage or be a part of another technological revolution here on earth.

Furthermore, with the way we have devoured the resources on the this planet the last 100 years, we need to begin to develop ways to use the VAST natural resources in our solar system. The wealth and knowledged accumulated due to the extraction of these resources will be key in our ability to extend further and further away. For example, there is an asteroid in the Kuiper belt that has more gold and platinum in it than has every been extracted from earth through the entirety of human history. Resources like these would allow us to pursue potential energy sources, such as anti-matter.

Finally and as stated by who I believe to be the most brilliant person on this planet, Stephen Hawking, humanity is doomed if we do not find a way to get off this rock. Even though planet and our sun are currently capable of supporting life for the next 1/2 billion years or so, Mr. Hawking, as I do, believe that either a natural occurrence, ie meteor, or a man-made occurence, ie nuclear accident, virus, may render our planet uninhabitable for some time. Mr. Hawking has set the odds at approximately 1 of these type accidents within the next 1k to 10k years.