Should Jeff Duncan write an apology to Drew Brees for Duncan's biased assessment of Brees' comments?(MERGED)

Guitarzan mentioned nothing is ever really fair. That's a good enough summarry and I for one agree with him.

After all Drew Brees only went to Gitmo to show his support for our armed forces, just like he did going to Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, seeing our soldiers, giving them at least a brief reminder of life back home, and to encourage them in a hellish environment where IED's and mortar attacks are being fired at them possibly every day of the week.

One might think a well-regarded local celebrity like Drew Brees, who along with his wife, have settled into the New Orleans community, done a enormous amount of charity work,. helped build homes for low-income families via Habitat for Humanity, building them along side with President Jimmy Carter, and try to rebuild a torned up city that was sky bombed by a catashrophic hurricanee disaster and an inept federal response. One might think Duncan wouldn't try to be percieved as so tactful and causing a minor controversy by ear-nosing Brees over certain political differences or affiliatations

But Duncan has every fundamental right to voice his disagreements with Brees visits, that's in the US constitution and is the hallmark of the civil liberties we enjoy as Americans. I'd fight to for his right to call me out for not being always right or anyone else, even Drew Brees.

With all that said howeveer, it still was kind of petty for Duncan to nitpick Brees on this. Brees is not ijn public office, he is not in the State Legislature, he is not Mary Landreiu or David Vitter. Nor is he President Obama or his administration who we as Americans elected to be the 44th president off the United States of America. Those are the people who are far more worthy of being held accountable. They are public officials, elected by the people and to represent this country as a whole.

Duncan's job and the media's is to focus and evulate on the successes and failures of these people. An opinion on some Pro Bowl QB voicing his opinion on Gitmo when he has no authority to make policy or even to indirectly involve the dialogue is small, petty, and arguably counterproductive.

But hey what the hell do I know, maybe tactfulness and petty misfocused op-ed's are apart of a journalist's job sometimes. I guess that's their right too, still doesn't any less rightful to point out the timing and wondeer about the direction he's pointing it at. No one institution is above criticism, not one,. and that means the mainstream media.

They are not sacred cows of any fashion.

Period, end of story,political beliefs and biases are off the table.

That to me may not be fair but is sure as hell makes a lot of sense to me.

Good post. Bottom line for me, Drew is trying to do a good thing and doesn't need to be called out for it.