I really like Tampa Fans

Granted, some of the falcon fan hate is well deserved, I live just out of atlanta.. but they do have a good bunch of classy fans too.
Just the one's you hear of are bunch of classless thugs.

I've been to the games in ga dome, and sit in the middle of a bunch of atl fans, and, even some of them said i was right about some of the garbage penalties, No holding call when d.howard was between vick and the lineman and the lineman had howard by the arm as he was trying to grab vick with the other.. vick escapes for a TD.
or no defensive player within 5 yards of vick, and get a roughing the passer call., and can't forget the no calls of their oline tackling our dline, but if their dline slips is a holding call.

Maybe their home game fans are different, but when Falcon fans come to the dome, they are horrible. They are loud mouthed trash talkers. I'm sure all Falcon fans aren't like that, but I have never met a good falcons fan in person. Although there are a few who post here - RDClark and another guy who's name I can't recall right now.

On the other hand Tampa fans have always been great. Maybe because like us they lost for so long, they have a sense of humility and perspective on things.

I'm not a big fan of Panther fans. Most, not all, haven't been NFL fans long enough to deal with losses. They won out the box so they lack the humility that the Saints and Buc fans have. Also, many of the Panther fans you meet in South LA are former Saints fans who jumped ship with Delhomme. I just can't stand that kind of lack of loyalty for your team.