Former Saints player Steve Gleason on life after the NFL

Great read - A class act and a great guy...

At 32, he's retired from the game, now working at the Shaw Group, the Baton Rouge oil and engineering conglomerate...

...What do you miss most about playing in the NFL?
People doing my laundry for me. It's the little things, man.

What do you not miss at all?
The late nights at training camp when I'm hoping that I did the right thing and that I'm going to make the team. That's a stressful time for guys like me, when you're always "on the bubble" and not sure what's going to happen.

Do you feel like you spent a lot of time on the bubble?
I spent my entire career on the bubble. I have the gray hairs to prove it.

You will always be known for a single play. Are you kind of resentful that, after all the years of hard work, that's what it came to?
Not at all. That's the kind of moment you dream about all your life: Being in front of tens of thousands of fans in the stadium and millions of fans on TV and to do something of great consequence. I did it, and I love that I did it. The fact that most people remember only that is fine by me. That's why we watch sports, and that's why we play sports -- for a moment like that.

What do you remember most about that play?
I vividly remember standing on the sidelines waiting for our special teams coach to give us the call: Is this going to be a return? Are we going to try to block it? Is it the play where I try to block the punt? And I remember he turned to me and said: "This is it, man. We're going for it."

There was a designed play where Steve Gleason tries to block the punt? Exactly. So I remember that moment. And I remember thinking -- as I broke through the line -- that I wasn't going to get there.

I was like: I don't think I'm going to make it. I don't think I'm going to make it. And then: I am going to make it! And I remember running through the end zone and dropping to my knees. I remember looking at the crowd and fully comprehending the magnitude of the moment. It was pure joy. And I thought: This is it. We're back..."


FYI - Here's the block.
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