What is the contact information for the NFL league office?

This is an issue of labor law and federal courts. The Saints players have no one to blame but themselves as evidenced by the hundreds of other players who did not take star caps. Each of the players suspended has a $60 million dollar contract or did at one point in their career. None of them should have gotten into this situation without reviewing what they were going to put into their bodies with their employer and thus the league. If they had and they had sanctioned the drug for any one of the players, the players would have a point. But the league and the player's union are both obligated to follow their labor agreement for the betterment of all players and the owners.

Yes, there seem to be disproportionate consequences potentially given a difference in Minnesota and Louisiana law, but that is a states issue that has affected countless other individuals on far more pertinent issues than playing football before.

My only hope is that the Saints players can either retroactively suspend Grant since he was hurt last year and if not start it game 1 in the easiest game on our schedule versus the Lions.