What is the contact information for the NFL league office?

What's with all the naysayers? The doom and gloom? Is it really too much to ask to put forth just a bit of effort for your favorite team?

Email here : Roger.Goodell2@nfl.net

Send mail here : National Football League
280 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017

Call here : 1-212-450-2000

Sent to that Email address:

Mr. Goodell,

I have been continually disappointed with the way that the NFL has handled the StarCaps situation. From the revelation that the NFL knew that the StarCaps product was tainted and didn’t tell the players after it being on the approved list, to the seemingly haphazard way that things have been handled in the offseason up until now.

I hope you realize that this entire episode would be better dropped for the NFL’s sake. It really makes the organization seem unreasonable and poorly managed.


Jean-Paul Bergeaux