What is the contact information for the NFL league office?

I don't look at it that way. Look at how RG responded to the issue in his recent Chat on NFL.com...

I think the NFL looks at this issue, especially with the spotlight of publicity that has come as the issue drags on, as going to the heart of it's drug policy. If they make arbitrary exceptions to a clear written policy, they can no longer claim the policy is applied evenly...so the policy falls apart. They have to take a hard line to make the policy stick. The recent court ruling is not the end of this...not even close. This issues cuts at the heart of the collective bargaining process and will end up having wide-ranging effects on the future CBA negotiations.

It's not arbitrary if they KNEW of a problem with a product that was on the "approved" list and removed it and didn't tell the players. That's not an exception, that's reality and reason.

The whole thing comes across as arrogant and pig-headed. "We can do no wrong" says the NFL.

Um, yes you can and you did.