What is the contact information for the NFL league office?

But are not all players of all teams considered employed by the NFL and not their respective teams? Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I thought that all players were basically considered "contract workers" for the National Football League? If that's the case, shouldn't all the players be subject to drug testing rules of the locality of their "employer"? If not, then what's to stop a state from passing some bogus law allowing use of POD's for "professional" athletes? Sure, it's far fetched and even a bit silly, but, c'mon? Are, say, GM employees in Detroit tested or treated any differently than GM employees in Tennessee?

Just wonderin' while I'm wanderin'...


In that legal pdf it goes over the court rulings that a CBA can not have jursidiction over state laws. Believe me Godell wishes it did.

I think it was the Brown vs NFL case where the guy got hit by the referee flag. The CBA cannot protect the NFLs intrest over state laws.

The NFL wants to suspend all players thats what they are trying to do.

The MN players are escaping this by an MN law.

Thats no excuse for the LA players. There is no such LA law to protect them.