What is the contact information for the NFL league office?

How would that apply equal treatment.

If you were suspended from your job becuase you took STARCAPS diaretic then you would be suspended regardless of the outcome of the MN players.

Godell is going to enforce the rules where and when he can. Why is that unfair?

He is doing his darndest to suspend the MN players, but MN law is getting in the way, not the other way around.

You make it sound like Godell is only trying to suspend the Saints players....thats not his goal.

The 2 wrongs make it right argument doesnt work.

This is not just "a job." This is a sport, a game, with business involved. You do not apply one punishment to one and not to another. It is an issue of competitive balance. You do whatever it is in your power to treat everyone equally. If the Vikings aren't suspended, neither should the Saints. It doesn't matter what he is "trying" to do. He is forbidden to suspend the Vikings. You can't just suspend the Saints when they did the same thing. The only crime they committed was playing for a team in Louisiana instead of Minnesota. I cannot believe anyone would defend the NFL on this. This is shameful.