For anyone that still thinks Bush doesn't have rushing lanes
Really guys we are 6-2 enough with this petty crap. Bush can do what he did yesterday for 8 more games as far as I am concerned, as long as we still get a win. I don't think this will happen, as a matter of fact, I predict Bush to have a 100 yd rush\receiving day in 2 of our next 3 games. Teams have bottled up Reggie and still ended up losing the game. I think teams will stop keying on Reggie soon and this will allow him to get a little more breathing room. The whole defense keys on RB when he is in the game. Look at the 3 passing touchdowns by Brees this week, all came off of playaction to Bush. Hell on Devery's 2nd TD the cornerback had his head in the backfield and bit on the playaction along with another 9 defenders. 10 defenders!!!!! 10!!!! The only player that didn't bite was ronde and that was because he had his hands full with Colston on the opposite side of the field.
Lets give Reggie a break. He is contributing in many, many ways. We should be more focused on the positives things that this team is doing. If I would have told any of you guys before the season that Reggie would have less than 500 all purpose yds half way through the season, but we would be 6-2, you would have loved it. Everyone should be ecstatic that we are on pace for a 12-4 season.
Lets get back onto a subject that positive. Colston!!! Colston!!! Colston!!!
Who Dat
Who Dat