Brees now has N.O. MoJo! So says Carney.....

The most interesting tid bit about this article to me is what the Old Pro ( and one of my favorites in the League) 45 year old 21 year vet kicker John Carney, doing his second term with The SAINTS and "Cool" Brees said.

He said the thing he's noticed most is the way Drew dresses. In 2006 he was Mid-West dressed down but now had his New Orleans MoJo on! That cracks me up! It's not like the man is wearing chinchilla but he must be getting his suites from Rubenstein's instead of Men's Warehouse!

I don't care what Drew wears as long as he's comfortable and feels good! He's a Father now and should dress nicely for his wife whenever they go out to make her feel pretty and special but I'm getting all fuzzy and feel like holding a bunny right now thinking about going from the aaron brooks era to the Beauty of Brees! What a difference for us in the League!

New Orleans Mojo from Carney! That's funny!