Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2

What you see as "cheating" I see as innovation, spread out for both teams to accomplish and become dominant. These additions are seriously inventive. Getting 3,5,7 kills in the first one theoretically gave the same advantage you are whining about here. It worked out great! The health bonus for 3 deaths without a kill or getting the loadout of the last person that killed you is borderline genius. The problem, as I understand it, is that it wasn't Bungie's idea. They need some time to spend all that money they're making. :mwink:

It's really easy to pigeon-hole all my criticisms as being "non Bungie" and then ignoring them. Whatever helps you through the day, I guess. But you've got it backwards.

I like Bungie because they know what makes a good game, not because they are Bungie.

Even if Bungie didn't exist, I'd still have problems with the features described above. I'm not being a fanboy in this instance. I just like games that don't have goofy crap designed to put lessor players on equal footing with better players. Something about that is just not right to me.

It's like trying to find out who the fastest guy is in a race that takes place underwater. What's the point?

The solution shouldn't be to marginalize player skill. The solution is to let sucky players play against other sucky players, and to let good players play against other good players.

I'd love to have more great games to play. Bungie isn't the only developer who has made great multiplayer games - Team Fortress, Unreal Tournament, even Warhawk fit the criteria.

But there is a disturbing trend surfacing that (if I may get serious for a moment) scares me about our future prospects. We are becoming a nation of soft, excuse making wusses. It's visible in our politics, our educational system, and in our choices for entertainment.