Note: To all of you Bush Haters...

First off, I think the title bush haters is a bit wrong. I think a better name for the two camps would be bush realists and bush optimists. I haven't seen too many rational ppl say they hate bush. I have seen alot disagreement regarding Bush's value to the team. Please don't mistake dissent with hate as the two are not the same.

Second, we just had a 16 page argument over bush. Did you really think it was necessary to create another one?

First off, I absolutely love how you label your side's position as "realist". Because your opinion is the only right one and is somehow inherently superior to those of the people who disagree with you. It's really not condescending at all.

Third, one of the groups is going to be correct at the end of the year. Honestly, I (and probably most ppl on my side of the argument) would love for him to prove us wrong by becoming all world this season; we're just no holding our breath for it.

This is the problem with the Bush hater camp. It's not enough for you if he's simply a good football player, and contributes to the team as a starter. No, he has to be "all world". Because obviously, if he's not the best football player in the world then he's worthless.

You seem to feel this way because he was the #2 overall pick in the draft. Let me ask you something. Which of these players are better than Reggie Bush? Ronnie Brown? Robert Gallery? Charles Rogers? Leonard Davis?

You don't see these players lighting the league on fire...and yet for some reason their fans don't see the need to crucify them every time they make a bad play. That's amazing. I wonder why? Don't they know you only support your players when they play at an "all world" level?! Insane!