Texas Tech @ Texas

Come on already! These last few hours are friggin draaaaaaaaaagging by.

It was fun last year watching Texas Tech climb in the rankings, setting school records, their halftime kicking contest winner join the team and do well, and I was proud to have all those Big 12 South teams in the top 10. I even felt bad for Harrell when he got his hand all busted up at the end of the season, dropped from Heisman contender to not even being picked up in the draft, ending up in the CFL ... (though I didn't have a problem with Ole Miss taking them at the Cotton Bowl). But ...

When these two teams last met up and a last second TD threw the Big 12 South into a mind-bending tiebreaker - that ultimately sent Big 12's second best team to the NC (instead of Texas) - and then lost! ... Well, I've been waiting for this weekend ever since.

Yeah, yeah, Colt & Co. are saying all the right things good sportsmen are supposed to say, like it's no big deal. Yeah, right. "It's just another game." "I'm not a revenge-type guy" Blah, Blah, Blah.

Fine, you're a "bigger" person than I am, Colt. I want my damn rematch, and I want it now!