The benefits of red meat vs veggies

The perfect diet, meaning the diet that the human body evolved to eat - consists of 70% or more fat, and the rest protein. The carb compnent is a minute amount (even meat contains a few carbs. The key is that fruits and veggies spike insulin - insulin is the scourge of human health. Insulin is what causes heart disease (not cholesterol). There is also emergin evidence that insulin plays a very large role in cancer. And obviously it is insulin that causes diabetes.
Insulin also makes you fat. And really, getting fat makes you lucky because you have evidence of how unhealthy you are living.

And do not get me wrong - this is not some sort of Atkins diet crap. The Atkins diet was concerned to determine how much carbs you could eat. What I am saying is that you should eat zero carbs.

But it goes beyond not just eating "carbs" - it means the human bosy is not equipped for the taste of sweet. Even "zero calorie" - no sugar, no carb sweetners increase insulin levels. The only thing essential for human beings is meat and water - and the fattier the meat the better.

A few reading materials, for anyone interested:

Good Calories, Bad Calories, Gary Taubes

On Corpulence, William Banting

Not by Bread Alone, AKA The Fat of the Land, Viljamur Stefansson


FWIW, cholesterol is a cause of heart disease.. LDL's that is.. Not HDL's (good cholesterol that is necessary for good health).. And its simple sugars and high glycemic carbs that cause this.. Low glycemic carbs like complex carbs are good for you (wheat breads, whole grain foods, green veggies, etc.)