Fox Sports Power Rankings after week 2

I really couldn't forsee a situation in which a legitimate Power Ranker would have that in if they did. Well its probally a joke.

Right now as of week 3. If San Fran and Tenn were to play on a neutral site who would be favored?

I'd probally give Tennesee a 1 or two point spread (Although I am surprisingly impressed with the Niners)

Exactly, I really can't see a situation where a winless team is better than an undeafted team, IN THE NFL.

This isn't the LSU Tigers vs the Rice Owls. These are professional teams.

If 0-8 vs 8-0 is too much, then exactly when does it matter, 0-3 vs 3-0, 0-4 vs 4-0, 0-5 vs 5-0?