Tim Tebow taken to Hospital...

I'm totally speculating here, but could it be that maybe that the reaction he got after being creamed by that Kentucky DE was made worse because he probably had the flu? Many College and Pro football players usually start games even they have a 102 degree temperature or tonsillitis, or sore muscles in their legs and backs. As a former HS player, I can tell you that getting on a football field with the flu makes your job probably 2-3 times harder because of lack of concentration, fatigue sets in quicker, and you're always being monitored for dehydration. Bo Jackson played some games when he was here at Auburn that I personally wonder how he didn't pass out before halftime he was so out of it. Stomach flu, terrible sinuses, crack ribs, and once he got a serious concussion when he tackled against Texas A@M on their rock-hard artificial turf. I've seen many careers destroyed by that monstrosity that it boggles my mind to why it was ever invented to begin with.

Not trying downplaying what happened here, but anytime a player gets hit that hard when he should not be on the football field and in bed back home, it feels much worse. All former football players at any level can identify with this, you take a sizable risk starting a game already sick. God help you if ever get a serious injury like Tebow may have tonight, it's unbearable to say the least and pain I wouldn't on anyone, not to my worst enemy either.