What happens to Reggie when Mike Bell returns?

Reggie's cap figure will be $13.5 Million next year so maybe you should get your facts before you post in all caps.

Reggie will be cut or he will restructure. End of story.

Edit to add: Here's Jeff Duncan (before the season and the emergence of Bell) addressing how Bush's salary will push him to the front burner this offseason as far as a difficult decision for the Saints front office: http://www.cbssports.com/mcc/messages/chrono/16600073

Under the current CBA, 2010 will be an UNCAPPED year. (And I almost never post in ALLCAPS.)


If Reggie moves enough merchandise and tickets to pay for himself, it really doesn't matter what his cap # is next year.

And IMHO, while he may not be what everyone wished a #2 overall pick would be, he definitely makes the team better, no question.