What happens to Reggie when Mike Bell returns?

So everybody is on a game by game basis, ok I get it....you guys are the only one judging these guys game by game, first Bell was the man, now he's outa sight outa mind, now PT is the man...and Reggie had a pretty good game vs Buffalo and ran well against the Jets, but you have to be a fan of his to give him credit, and your not, so you dont...i'm understanding how this whole thing goes with you Reggie Haters.

of course its a game by game basis.....if reggie plays well then he is gets credit.....if he struggles then he gets bashed....unfortunately reggie has had more bad games than good ones this season

its not that he isnt talented, because he is very talented....but when you turn the ball over nobody will remember the great plays you made....history has shown that as well