Why not use Aaron Stecker?

go back and watch the game film. when the bucs D would stop Bush they high five and pat each other on the back. teams are working so hard to not let this kid bust something loose that the minute they think he's getting the ball in the backfield they bring every free Dback that can get there, why do you think we've had wr's so open in some of these games. if this team has to pay a few millions for bush to be a decoy until he gets a handle on the pro game its money well spent. I watched bush play for a while, being out here on the west coast and some of the holes he ran through at USC were big enough for my 44 year old over weight rear end to get open through. now he needs to learn to find a seam, a small gap in the line. yea he doesn't have brute force of deuce but in space as they say he will leave guys behind. be patient