
Did you guys see this one? This is about how Vick is better than Manning....

It difficult to tell who is and isn't a greater quarterback. It difficult to tell because Manning has been so durable we haven't really had a chance to see how the Colts will do without him.

For the Falcons, Vick has proven to be difference maker. We know this because we know Stlanta struggles without him.

Its also diffciult because they are two different types of quartback. Could Vick become a pocket passer? Well others have succeeded. Steve Young comes to mind. Other haven't really materialize, like Cunningham. As he slowed down, so did his effectiveness.

Again Manning has a lot nore years on Vick. Vick is still relative young, and yet, he has broight his team to the brink of a Super Bowl.

Vick contribute alot for the Falcons. He has a lot of potential. Believing that he may be greater than Manning some day is not out of bounds, but definitely premature.