Forrest Gump: Love it or Hate it?


One of the worst pieces of fluff propaganda anyone has ever made. It's incidious in it's stupidity. It implies that "be nice" is all you need to be successful in life and devalues education and intelligence. Beyond that, Tom Hanks makes any movie worse than it could have been and this one was going to be bad either way.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if people didn't keep quoting lines from it like they were sage advice. I mean, "stupid is as stupid does", what does that even mean? Stupid people act stupid. Really? I had no idea.

Is this really how you interpret it? Seriously? IMO, that is a gross misinterpretation of the message. The message is much more simple: Anyone can do or be anything. Just because your born with an initial lot in life does not mean you are destined to remain there.

And what is wrong with that message? I happen to be an example of this, considering my very humble beginnings.

How exactly does it devalue education? He does go to school, does he not? His Mom even sleeps with the principal to ensure he goes to a better school. :idunno: And what exactly is wrong with saying "intelligence is not everything"? Intelligence is not something you can exactly change about yourself. Sure you can learn more, but intelligence is more of a static characteristic; either you have it or you don't (or somewhere in between). I don't see the problem with the movie downplaying the role of IQ in a persons fate. :idunno: