Lane Kiffen Public Reprimand
How about the SEC fix it's horrible embarrassing officiating first?
Agreed, but this should happen behind the scenes. Calling into question the validity of the product you are selling in front of all of your customers... not a good idea from a company man. Tennessee is a part of the SEC family, so by attacking them he is really attacking himself.
The correct way to handle this is by submitting film footage to the SEC league office of the mistakes you feel they made and let them handle it from there. Your fans will find out from the media when you file those protests and know how you really feel.
But the real embarrassment is going beyond that and attacking the SEC commish personally saying he is just going to give you meaningless letters, etc. and questioning his authority. Coaches get POed all of the time and complain about the refs, that happens. However attacking the SEC and the commish directly in this manner is an embarrassment.
If this were an isolated incident, that's one thing. But Kiffen is showing a trend for putting his foot in his mouth. For the amount of money UT is paying, they should be able to find someone who is a positive representative for their institution as well.