Brandon Spikes tries to blind UGA RB on purpose

Where is the outrage for the Georgia cheapshots that you all conveniently missed?

Nobody wants to talk about how Spikes was poked in the eye in the first quarter -link: SPIKES EYE GOUGED IN 1ST QUARTER
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, how Spikes helmet was pulled off by Georgia players at another point when UGA players were ripping his dreads, how Tebow was poked in the eye, or how UGA defenders repeatedly attacked Tebow's knees flying in helmet first.

Still the Ric Flair of college football, we'll poke out eyes and pay off refs as we steamroll the competition. But don't look now, we're still the #1 team in the country, and we don't care how we get there. Those Trojan Fans who criticized our schedule so vehemently during the preseason are now sitting at the bottom of the pack with their NC hopes shattered. Georgia was the last stepping stone, you're next Bama. And to be the man, you've still got to beat the man. WHOOOOOOOOO!
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