Why do the Mannings sound like they have a Different accent ??

Sorry but I found that post to be offensive and petty. I'd argue that people who grew up in and went to school in New Orleans are pretty much about as "New Orleanian" as you can get. Just because Eli and Peyton don't own a pair of tacky white shrimp boots doesn't mean that they are frauds or something.

-- I agree. The post was just completely unneccesary, and it's opinions like that that contribute to the "us vs. the outsiders" and the "brother-in-law" culture in New Orleans. As someone who grew up all over New Orleans, I really hope that this is a generational thing and that each generation of New Orleanians will become less and less concerned about exactly which part of town you grew up in, or exactly which brand of "Yat" you speak...