Reggie Bush is the new Aaron Brooks, or will be soon

What do you people consider to be "Bashing" Bush? I see crying about questions regarding his YPC, and habit of bouncing outside. I'll bet these same people being sensitive about Bush were calling AB dumb & useless daily. Some of you were also jumping on anyone who wanted to go in a different direction than Bush.

Relax.... The players don't care about you, or what the forum thinks about them.

How is it appropiate to accuse some people of a blanket statement (Some people are just complaining about his YPC and habit of bouncing outside, not calling him a bust) and then to turn around and make.....blanket statements? (Assuming we're all talking about everyone who has ever said anything negative about Bush, NOT just specifically people who are calling him a "bust". Suggesting the same people being sensitive about Bush were AB haters).

Oh, and news flash. If you wanted to make a generalization, it's a ton more likely the Bush defenders were all in favor of AB as well.