the VG board football thread

great finish by this team. It's the type of game we previously would always lose -- a) in the old days we were the team blowing the lead b) in the Payton era we would make a good attempt at a comeback and would always fall short.

We have a coach who is growing nicely into a great NFL head coach. Whereas before he was innovative, ballsy, and somewhat stubborn, Payton now is extremely smart and quite humble. Before he had a lot to prove; now he is interested in only that which is the best route to the W. There is no ego (Gregg Williams hire, embracing the running game, allowing his star QB to influence in-game decisions).

I have a really hard time getting my head around how good this team is.

Our DBs are suddenly pimps. Porter and Greer have incredible ball skills. And Sharper is like the final boss that QBs have to deal with.

While I definitely feel like I deserve this, I can't seem to get comfortable with it. It's so good that it feels fake to me. Years of abuse, I guess.


This is possibly the greatest thing I've ever read on here in 10 years. Thanks!