XBOX 360 Modern Warfare 2 thread(*MERGED*)

Been playing a ton :)

Level 40. 2339 Kills/1089 death/1.89 kd/27 Streak

I really like all the assault rifles, but the Scar definitely tops them all of the ones i have. Another great thing is tactical insertion. I've been really using that to its full potential. Being able to control where you spawn is huge! Countless times i've set up my tac insert... then some asshat comes up behind me and kills me, then i respawn right next to him and avenge myself! Love it!!

Scavenger Pro is still my favorite perk. not having to worry about ammo is really helpful.

Damn, you beastin, eh?

I love me some tactical insertion too. If you find a spot where they keep camping, you just go kill them and drop ya stick in a safe spot somewhere close. I've gotten a lot of kills doin that.

With scavenger, do you have to be using the same weapon to pick up their ammo? Or is ammo ammo?