I try to do the following, but I'm not sure if they are the right things to do:
1) either be running or be crouching. I try to spend zero time just walking, figuring that I either will be hard to hit because I'm moving or because I'm smaller.
Problem is, when I get into a fight with a guy while I'm crouched in which we both see each other at relatively the same time, he usually wins because he's more mobile and I'm crouched.
2) Call in UAVs while sprinting, so I don't spend a lot of time with my gun out of my hands.
3) Always reload after every little skirmish, even when others are around. Too many times I've tried to kill two guys with one clip, but ran out of ammo at the most inopportune times. Is this the right thing to do?
4) Once I get a kill in a spot, I move. This just seems like basic logic given the killcam, but I'm not sure I couldn't do better by expecting people to come back to find me and killing them again. Thoughts?
5) I try to stick near people on my team, figuring there is strength in numbers, but often I get hit with grenades or bullets that aren't meant for me.
Am I missing any basic strategy? Are these the right things to be doing?