Why not use Aaron Stecker?
Reggie "if he can finally learn how to find holes will definately prove why he deserve all the attention he got.
Stecker is good, he's a fine backup and add very good depth there but don't sit Reggie bush out if he can play at any point, We've been winning games just because reggie's body is on the field, Reggie is trying to find his way.
Put it this way you take him out and everybody knows Duece will be carrying that ball 80% of the time when a running play is called, stecker might get a couple but rarely.
On the other hand Faking to Reggie and throwing deep has been working all season long, why take that out and start losing just to satisfy anyone's Hate Lust for Reggie because he hasn't been this Superman everybody expected him to be.
I've read all of your post and Mac you've never really agreed on us taking reggie in the Drafts in the first place, it appears you have this deep inner hate for the man and he's the key reason we are 6-2 with him doing Next to nothing statistically for himself, "TEAM WIZE" he's Done ALOT!.