Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2

I try to spend most of my time in 2 spots on that map.

1. In the room in the middle of the map, right at the top of the stairs by Domination spot "B". I equip my claymores and plant one by one entrance and I just watch the other entrance. Just keeping an eye on the spots where EVERYONE loves to camp. There is so much traffic in that little room that if you do it correctly, you can usually get 4-5 kills before you die. Plus you avoid sniper fire in that room.

2. My other spot I use is usually only when I spawn on the opposite side of the big building with the 2 sniper windows. It's on the right side of the bridge where Domination "A" is located. Most people fight on that left side (Domination "B" side) of the bridge, but if you camp that right side and stay ducked behind that dividing wall, you can usually pick off people running thru the middle of the map and also people in that room I spoke of earlier. Just be on the lookout of Sniper fire from the big building's windows.

The best spot in underpass is the wooden board house in the middle of the map up on the concrete. From that one point... you can survey A spot and C spot as well as the majority of the map. Throw in some claymores to section yourself off or a tactical insertion and you're good to go for a long time in that one place. I've gotten many many 15+ kill streaks in that one spot. I go there every time i play that map seriously.