I need your help VG board

I think that's a good idea. A VG board booze-athon. Mongoose will be the problem. He conveniently finds excuses every time I try to get him out. What I suggest is that we pick a location for a non-major parade and rope off a section for the VG board. It's easy, it's cheap and we could have each attending member bring something; a box of Popeyes, jello shots, chips, Jaeger...whatever. Goose, does your wife still plan parties? She could make a sign and I know my wife could make shirts. I will arrange to have a beer pong table and a keg and if we get drunk enough, a kissing booth.

That's not a bad idea, although it has some logistical problems. Specifically, the duration and set up of a "non-major" parade isn't necessarily conducive to a proper "boozeathon".