Different Perspective on the Tampa Game

Jay Foster, on that one play in the 3rd quarter (if we are talking about the same play) Jeff Faine wiffed on his block and Reggie anticipated the block and ran right into the defender.

I saw that they were cheating up or bringing extra guys into the box too. I am reserving judgement on Reggies status until a team stops doing that, so i can see what he does against a team that defends him straight up.

Something else that bears pointing out is that since defenses are sending their safeties and LB's around DE to prevent Reggie from getting outside, it has allowed pockets to develop for Brees. How many times have we seen Brees just step up into the pocket, at the last second to avoid sacks? This is made possible due to the type of blitzing that opponents are forced to do. If Reggie was not there or a team conceded the outside to Reggie, just so they could get pressure up the middle, Brees would not be having this type of success. So, there may be a reason for Payton using Reggie and having Reggie keep testing the perimeters. It keeps defenses from bringing pressure up the gut. JMHO.