What Is Your Favorite Movie Scene Of All Time??

Gangs of New York:

1. Opening battle between Bill the Butcher and Priest Vallon. BtB goes from prim top hat- wearing aristocrat to hatchet-wielding, skullcap-wearing maniac and gives a helluva pre-battle speech.

2. BtB knife-throwing at his "assistant" Cameron Diaz. "Oopsy Daisy!"

3. BtB throwing a hatchet in the Irish sheriff's back. "This is called the minority vote."

Final Verdict: Great character for a weakly-plotted film. Daniel Day-Lewis is the shizzle.

Rob Roy:

1. Introduction of the villain Archibald Cunningham

Argyll: So, Mr. Cunningham, what are these principle sins that distress your mother? Dice? Drink? Or are you a buggerer of boys?
Cunningham: It is years, Your Grace, since I buggered a boy... And in my own defense, I must add, I thought him a girl at the moment of entry.
Argyll: Do you hear that, Will? Young Cunningham here was unable to tell arse from quim. What say you to that?
Will Guthrie: I've heard that many Englishmen have that same difficulty.

2. Disturbing scene with Cunningham and Mary McGregor (Jessica Lange): "Tell him Archibald Cunningham is at his service!"

3. Final swordfight between Cunningham and Rob Roy. The best fencing scene in my sparse knowledge of cinematic history.

Verdict: Tim Roth is The Man (TM)

A Few Good Men:

1. Tom Cruise catching Jack Nicholson in a lie on the stand: "No sir, that's not what you said, you said he was in 'grave danger.' You said he was in danger, I said 'Grave danger?' you said 'Is there another kind?' I can have the court reporter read back to you-----"

Pulp Fiction:

1. Marsellus Wallace's "pride ****ing with you" speech.

2. Vincent and Jules' debate over foot massages: "Touching his wife's feet and stickin his tongue in the holiest of holies ain't the same ballpark, it ain't the same league, it ain't the same ******* sport!"

3. Jules Winfield's "I'm a mushroom cloud-layin' mutha-*****, mutha-*****" tirade

Internal Affairs:

1. Andy Garcia handing his wife her soiled panties and then slapping the taste out her mouth in the middle of a high-class restaurant after he thought he'd caught her cheating on him.