What Is Your Favorite Movie Scene Of All Time??

Best line - Scarface - "Say Hello To My Little Friend!"

Great scenes: The Warriors vs. the Baseball Furies in the Warriors
The mothership landing and encounter in Close Encounters
Darth Vader telling Luke he's his father.
"I think he broke his "bleeping" neck in the Longest Yard.

But what may be my all-time favorite scene isn't from one of my all-time favorite movies - but I remember almost wetting my pants laughing the first time I saw it in the theater:

The Stay-Puff Marshmellow Man scene in Ghostbusters. -- The four Ghostbusters are trying to make sure they don't think of anything bad that can become reality to attack New York and them. You realize Dan Ackroyd thought of something, and from the sound of it, you expect to see Godzilla come storming down the street - but instead you get the Michelin Man's giant brother.