the VG board football thread
I keep watching the field goal again and again on DVR and I crank up my sound system to hear the crowd screaming. The game was unreal just being there.
I literally was and still am in a state of shock. There is this warm fuzzy feeling inside that I'm hoping never goes away. It really doesn't matter what happens in the Super Bowl now as far as I'm concerned. I'm so proud of this team and what they have accomplished.
When the field goal was about to be kicked 10 of us were all holding hands in the section just kinda praying. I finally found out who owned the seats behind me because there is always someone new sitting there..this time the owner of the season tickets finally showed up for the game...The guy owns a billion dollar company and was totally down to earth and he was the one that insisted we all hold hands before the field goal. Rich guys and poor guys who maxed out their Visa just to attend the game were all bonded together to experience this very special moment.
I'll give Hartley 1,000 more kicks to kick that field goal and I'll bet he doesn't kick it more perfectly than he did right then.
I'm still in shock. Even when the confettie was on the field and people were screaming I was still looking around for a yellow flag or something. It still hasn't sunk in yet.