Idea 4 Saints @ Giants Game

I'm a die-hard Saints fan living in New Jersey. I hate the Giants, can't stand the obnoxious attitude of the fans (every year seems to be THEIR year), & I was there for the Saint's "home" game last year. On a football level, what a sham by the league! Made me want to puke!! On a personal level, most of the Giant fans that attended were not the usual season ticket holders - the fans that did attend were much younger, almost college kids. They were the ones mouthing off all game. But let me tell you something - I'm only 5'6", but 195 of muscle, & built like my favorite from Montclair State, Sam the Field Mouse Mills, & no Giant fan dared say crap to me!
I'll be there X-Mas Eve - any Saints fans want to tailgate, I'll bring the TurboDog & let you know where to find me in the parking lot. I'll either be wearing my authentic Mills jersey, or an authentic jersey with WHO DAT across the back!
Honestly, it'll be a tough game, & here's my wish (it's a strange one, but bear with me, fans!) - Saints lose a close one to the Giants, win on New Years Eve to clinch the division. I can't see the Saints getting home field, but if there is an Almighty, then the Saints will come back to the Meadowlands for the NFC Championship game, blitzkrieg the hell out of the Giants, & leave all our beloved Who Dats partying in the Giant's house - oh, wait, I mean OUR second home away from dome =)