Nevada Votes down Marijuana legalization

Would allow individuals at least 21 years of age to purchase, possess, use and transport up to one ounce of marijuana. Wholesale sale of marijuana would be subject to state excise taxes; retail sales would be subject to state sales tax. Fifty percent of tax revenue from the sale of marijuana would be used to fund voluntary programs for the prevention and treatment of the abuse of alcohol, tobacco or controlled substances. The other 50 percent would go to the state general fund.

Nevada Question 7:
Legalize Marijuana

Yes 252,776 44%
No 320,854 56%

Now why would you take 50% for the alcoholics and smokers, don't they pay enough taxes on liquor and cigarettes????? Now controlled substances is different.

Alcoholics have always been more dangerous on the road than a pothead, yet we persecute the pothead, but the alocoholic can get dwi's and kill people and the get a little slap on the hand.