Hacking ExtendedPDF to work with Evolution?

I'm a bit drunk, but to reiterate: your issue isn't the creation of html links (or bookmarks within a PDF) from OOo, but that you want to print from Evolution, and for any links that are in the email to remain "hot"? Correct?

1) Have you installed the cups-pdf package yet? This is different and separate from OOo's ability to create PDF files. Evince does show links (as you probably know) but they aren't clickable with either a direct click, double-click, or control-click (control-click is used inside of OOo).

I'm wondering if the problem is Evince (the default PDF viewer on recent GNOME versions). I'm going to print out the default Evolution welcome message and see if I can click on the links from inside of Acrobat (in Windows).

Have you tried that yet?


That works, by the way. So the issue may be finding a PDF viewer that recognizes html links.

Damn Llama...even drunk, you are one clever SOB!!!

I have cups-pdf, a generic PDF virtual printer, and PDF Creator virtual printer on my Linux machine, as well as the OO ExtendedPDF macro and have tried isolating each program as the "weak link". With OO doing such a good job with hyperlink conversion, but with each virtual PDF printer in Evolution providing the same result, I naturally concluded the PDF creation process was the issue; I never considered the viewer, as I could view clickable links in the OO pdf viewer.

Ironically, the Evolution initial Welcome message is also my "test PDF" due to the graphics and hyperlinks, both of which are items I want to PDF on occassion. I sent that PDF message to my Windows box and viewed in Adobe and VOILA....clicked the hyperlinks!!! It would appear that my Evince PDF reader is the issue, not the PDF creator...quite a revelation, and a bit of relief, as there are very limited PDF creator options in Linux, but seemingly hundreds of PDF viewer options!

Which begs the next question...can anyone recommend a Linux PDF viewer that allows me to click through hyperlinks in a PDF document?!!! Which viewer does the OO suite use for PDFs, as that viewer obviously works?

Once again, you guys on this board are amazing!!! I have posted this same question on the Ubuntu community forum; on Bugzilla (thinking it was a program fault); on Major Geeks; and asked some of my local Linux friends. My friends had no clue and everyone on the aforemention public forums completely ignored the question/request...NOT 1 RESPONSE, despite re-posting upon expiration. I'm guessing there were no responses because the (potentially) hundreds/thousands of eyes who saw it had no idea of the solution either. Which brings me back to my SR.com friends....AMAZING....you guys have provided a solution, or at least a correct troubleshoot diagnosis, EVERY TIME!!!! And every time, it's someone different...hmmmmm....just like the Saints! I'm starting to think that, in the future, when I'm done banging my head against the proverbial brick wall, I should just ask you guys FIRST?!!!