Hacking ExtendedPDF to work with Evolution?

Damn Llama...even drunk, you are one clever SOB!!!

That's hilarious, and I second it. If it wasn't for Llama and eaux-yeah I'd still be sitting there trying to boot from a live cd.

Which begs the next question...can anyone recommend a Linux PDF viewer that allows me to click through hyperlinks in a PDF document?!!! Which viewer does the OO suite use for PDFs, as that viewer obviously works?

Have you tried Acroread? It's Adobe's Acrobat Reader for Linux. I would think that would display hyperlinks if anything does. I think you have to enabe the Medibuntu repository to get it....

sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list

sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install medibuntu-keyring && sudo aptitude update

sudo update-apt-xapian-index

Then you can install it from synaptic or just run

sudo apt-get install acroread

I'll try it myself when I get home.