Obama Defies Pessimists as Rising Economy Converges With Stocks

I've been saying for a while now that Obama is another Clinton... Just like Clinton, Barry Obama represents the best hopes of the Liberals ("Healthcare for all!!") and the worst fears of Conservatives ("He's gonna take away our guns!!")... in reality, like Clinton, he is a centrist and, like Clinton, he will be good for the economy.

Pres. Obama is not a centrist in the least. While he argument can be made that Clinton was a fiscal conservative, I would seriously doubt anyone in their right mind would try and make that argument about Barry.

I also believe that the economy is a little more complex than being something can be "fixed" or "wrecked", especially by an American President.

As far as your hopes and fears (satirical) hypothesis, I kind of agree. I only wish people weren't so reactionary and extreme. While his "reform" is not to my taste, I seriously doubt Crackhead Joe is going to free cancer treatment on the taxpayer's dime if it passes. Just like if he gets his way on "gun control", I don't expect anyone to come and take away my permitted .38.