It's Official - Reconciliation It Is

I think it's more likely that most of the 60% to 70% of Americans who support every major aspect of this bill will have realized by then that they were being lied to and played for fools by the republicans all along. And that they'll be a lot more disgusted with the republicans for trying to block any health reform whatsoever simply for political advantage than with the democrats for ramming the damned thing through by any means necessary.


If grandma still gets to stay plugged up if she wants to be and the level of care does not decrease, with the bonus of more people, especially children, being covered, people will start to ask some hard questions in the next year or so.

And they'll asking those questions to the Republicans.

If they can prey on people's fears to their advantage in 2010, if those fears don't materialize by 2012, it makes sense that they'll pay for it, right? :shrug: