It's Official - Reconciliation It Is

this bill will get passed, but it won't matter because it's watered down and isn't nearly as revolutionary as it needed to be... we should've never gone away from the idea of a single-payer system.. when the bill passes, it will be a win for the Republicans because insurance companies will still be in control.. this is a a lose/lose proposition because the Pleading the Fif types won't be happy, and neither will the Liberals... absolute garbage bill IMO.


Adding to the problem, keep in mind that reconciliation is not equivalent to getting to pass whatever they want.

Due to the rules (almost all of which I forgot) the scope is going to have to be somewhat narrower than it would have been if they had sixty votes to do it the normal way.

Which, in a way answers IntenseSaint's question: We don't know what they'll pass because they'll have to craft a bill that is allowed to be passed under reconciliation.