It's Official - Reconciliation It Is

Maybe...but then again, we do have short attention spans. What sounds like a sure-fire loss now could turn into a big win in November. In 6 months it could be "in a few more months they won't be able to deny coverage on pre-existing conditions and nearly all combat troops are home from Iraq...sounds good for me" plus whatever else gets done once health care is out of the way.

People will vote their pocketbooks in November. If the economy picks up Dems win.....if not R's win.

If the DOW is still up, unemployment gets below 9%, the economy keeps improving, combat troops are out of Iraq, and healthcare has been passed, the Democrats will not lose too many seats.

"We were on the brink of the biggest economic crash since the Great Depression,in 2 wars without an end in sight, and at risk of the banking and auto industries crashing. Since then, we've brought home all combat troops from one front, stabilized the economy, passed credit card reform, stabilized banks, passed financial reform*, kept 2 major automakers from collapsing, and also passed healthcare reform that doesnt impact medicare, doesnt raise the deficit, and covers over 30million more Americans while at the same time keeping premiums lower than they would have been had we done nothing, as well as assuring that people cant be dropped from coverage for making a claim or denied coverage for pre-existing conditions"

Yeah, for 1.5 years in office? Sounds like Obama's doing a pretty decent job considering the unprecedented obstructionism and hatred he's been facing. Has he done everything perfectly? No, of course not. Theres TONS of stuff I wish he had handled better. But for what he's had to deal with, I'm giving him a B so far.

And for years 3 and 4? Will we see immigration reform? Environmental reform? A new push towards better infrastructure and technology? And years 5-8? What then?

For someone who "hasnt done anything" he sure has done a lot.

(* financial reforms I think are coming up in a few weeks, but they should be passing)