It's Official - Reconciliation It Is

Wishful thinking on your part.

If the Dems *dont* get healthcare passed by November, the Republicans win back more seats than if they do.

Or have you forgotten that the GOP gameplan was to obstruct healthcare all along, and to NEVER be bi-partisan about it, regardless?

Gee, doesnt sound to me like they EVER planned on passing ANY healthcare, and that they ALWAYS planned to block it no matter what.

Not really wishful thinking, more like realistic thinking. I'm not gonna lie, I think the Dems are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Sucky place to be, but it's where they're at right now.

And I'm all up for conspiracy theories about the GOP doing whatever they can to obstruct healthcare, but with the popularity of the bill in the toilet I think it's a pretty safe call on their part.