It's Official - Reconciliation It Is

reading this thread its no wonder the republicans and democrats in the house and senate are at such odds -- we are as partisan as they are -- very few seem to be able to discuss this without throwing in jabs at the other party. The republicans are considered stalling because they hate Obama -- the democrats are pushing through an unpopular bill because they like massive social programs -- the truth is that it probably is closer in the middle of those 2 statements -- republicans are being hypocritical by complaining about the reconciliation process when they use it all the time -- democrats are also when they say well the republicans did it cause they complained back then -- and 2 wrongs dont make a right -- the funny thing is regardless of which side you fall many actually believe that the politicians actually think they are doing whats best for us = that I dont believe -- they are doing what they think is going to keep them in power and office --

As for how the election is going to turn -- very little will be because of the merits or failurs of the health care bill -- bottom line is that in the next few years we will see mostly the effects of the costs and very little of the benefits --