It's Official - Reconciliation It Is

Wishful thinking on your part.

If the Dems *dont* get health care passed by November, the Republicans win back more seats than if they do.

Or have you forgotten that the GOP game plan was to obstruct health care all along, and to NEVER be bi-partisan about it, regardless?

Gee, doesn't sound to me like they EVER planned on passing ANY health care, and that they ALWAYS planned to block it no matter what.

Bottom line is Republicans are intent on making health care Obama's "waterloo". There was never an opportunity to compromise or discuss anything.

Daily language such as "RAM IT DOWN THE THROATS" of Americans when most of us have significant issues with insurance companies is laughable. Especially, when you've been taking it from the other end for so long.

We received in a letter in the mail last night. Our premiums are going to nearly double next year.

I'm irritated that Obama didn't "RAM HEALTH CARE REFORM " down the throats of the Republicans and the Insurance companies, instead of playing footsie with someone who wants to play hangman with you.

EDIT: I'm pretty sure the Democrat will bring up the 17 prior times that Republican used "reconciliation" when they were the party in power.

At this time the obstructionist, Party of NO, sound and act a bunch of cry babies who will stoop to anything to win back power. What so ironic about it they are teaming up with lobbyist and big business to do it and the " voters" actually think the this is in their favor.