It's Official - Reconciliation It Is

Actually, I think it took a lot more than this in 1994. The biggest issue in the 94 mid-terms was the House ethics scandals, and the Republicans drove that home to the hilt by promising to clean the place up. Clinton's health care fiasco contributed in the sense that it had weakened him and his party politically, and made Democrats more vulnerable going in, but it was by no means the main issue in that election. If the Republicans truly think they're going to take both houses over that issue this year, I think they're the ones who don't understand what happened in 1994.

I sense the "throw the bums out" feeling is stronger now than in 1994. And if the masses were upset at Clinton for even considering radical health reform in 1993, how do you think they will react to this? Lastly, I think the methods used to pass this bill are even more upsetting to the public than the House post office scandals, which frankly pale in comparison. The public no longer cares about the details of the bill. They have made up their minds they don't want it, the process stinks, and whoever votes for it is going down in November. Just ask Martha Coakley.