It's Official - Reconciliation It Is

you're still refusing to see the obvious, and larger, point. the public is overwhelmingly if not against, at least wary of this bill. 8 months from now nobody will know how well it is working. they will just know that the democrats rammed an unpopular bill through Congress "because they could". and that will cause them to lose. you make good points, but feel the need to bookend your posts with an assertion that it won't hurt the democrats, which is a ridiculous assumption.

I don't care if this bill helps the Democrats politically. I really don't care if it hurts the Republicans politically, but I know it is going to be good for the country. It would have been even better had we done what I want which is basic socialized health care for all plus meaningful HSAs and private insurance for those who want better coverage. That said, this is what happens when you make sausage with one team clearly fighting the political fight instead of contributing to the betterment of our country.

In the short run, this may be gold for Republicans and may sweep out some Democrats. Well, good. Some of the old Democrats need to go and maybe some of the new Republicans will actually be fiscally responsible and work to get government out of our bedrooms and private lives. Reform of health care has been necessary for decades. Nixon tried. Clinton tried. Maybe Obama will get the first step done and we can get on with refinement before we break ourselves. Either way, vote 'em all out and if Dems lose seats for doing what's best for the country - so be it. In 5-10 years we'll see what's really happened. And, if Republicans regain power and in 5-10 years they're still running up debt, fighting useless wars, siding with corporate insurance companies instead of the people while health care is better and if they choose to continue to push their values to the exclusion of border protection and refuse to properly regulate markets and/or keep kicking the can on entitlements Democrats will win again.

One thing I know for sure is that a majority of Americans are not fundamentalist creationist zionist end timers who are going to vote for the anti-abortion candidate who most supports teaching creationism in schools.